Being Bilingual as a Superpower

What we do at Fun World Language Academy and Why?

We like to think of learning a foreign language as cultivating your own personal superpower. Being bilingual can open so many doors for students of any age and at Fun World Language Academy we teach foreign languages to students ages 3 to 103!  We do focus our efforts on younger students as our goal is to bridge the gap between the time when students learn best and when foreign language is offered at most public schools. 

Our teachers are so very talented. The staff at Fun World Language Academy are bilingual themselves and some are even native speakers of the languages they teach. They all have prior experience with children both in raising their own as bilingual and as teachers in various countries and settings. These lived experiences on top of education make our instructors really special!

The methods of teaching we use and highlight involve a gentle immersion program, the TPRS method.  TPRS stands for Teaching Proficiency through Reading and Storytelling. The basic idea of it is to maximize the use of the target language and instead of translating or explaining a new word, you are acting it out, reading a story with it, doing a craft or  singing a song.  This method forces the student’s brain to engage it’s “logic muscles” so to speak. The engagement of figuring out what the teacher is saying is a proven method of increasing retention and comprehension. TPRS is a method used in public schools as well, even though as we mentioned, they start at a bit of an older age.  We teach foreign languages in a natural way instead of by using grammar drills. However, just because our methods are immersive, this doesn’t mean we don’t aim for proficiency.

Why Learn Foreign Language? 

It’s good for your brain... It is, we promise! There are numerous benefits and plenty of studies to support the benefits. They include increased flexibility of thinking, better awareness of the rest of the world, improved ability to learn more languages in the future, improved ability to understand your own language, greater self confidence, better job opportunities, more fun vacations and so much more. 

Benefits for young children:

  • Increased cognitive flexibility

  • Ease of learning more languages later in life

  • Better listening skills

Benefits for young adults:

  • Boost to self confidence

  • Better looking resume

  • Cultural awareness of the greater world

Benefits for adults:

  • Exercise for the brain – if you don’t use it you loose it

  • Delay in cognitive decline

  • More stimulating vacations

  • Give good example to their children and grandchildren

  • Improved self esteem

We would just like to talk about some of the real life conversations we hear on a regular basis from parents who send their kids to our school. Parents often come and tell us “I wish I had learned more of my parents or grandparent’s native language. Not knowing it made my connection with my grandparents more limited. I couldn’t appreciate it when I was young, and my parents didn’t push me, but now I wish I had more of a chance to speak with my grandma before she passed. I don’t want my children to lose the language of my ancestors too so I bring them here to study.“ This is one reason why we encourage learning a language while children are young, especially if there is a language to learn within the family.

Other parents bring their children because they were dreaming of a particular country or culture when they were kids, but couldn’t get there, and now they want to give that gift to their kids. For example we have people from Asia who send their kids to us to learn French, and not their native Hindi, because French has a certain “je ne se quois” for their parents. Learning a language is not only a gift parents can give their children, but a super power!

We want the opportunity to help as many children as possible learn the foreign language of their choice while immersing them in a truly unique and fun experience. At Fun World Language Academy, we truly value each student that comes through our doors or takes our lessons online whether Spanish, French, German or more. Every student becomes a part of our family.

Silvia Dubinsky